At Sacred Heart Tocumwal, students are the focus.
Sacred Heart offers many and varied opportunities for the students at our school to become the best they can be. In developing its learning and teaching program, Sacred Heart follows documentation from the NSW Board of Studies and the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. Teachers apply sound and up-to-date knowledge of curriculum areas and learning and teaching practices to facilitate successful student learning. Teachers assess, record and report student achievement and performance to encourage and assist student learning. At Sacred Heart we have students who care for one another, who are helpful, polite and strive for personal excellence.
At Sacred Heart Primary, Tocumwal we aim to support the parents and guardians by providing a quality education where the development of the whole child is central.
In doing this our aim will be:
- To realise and promote each individual child’s gifts and talents.
- To provide a supportive and caring environment where your child is nurtured and challenged.
- To help your child to be a confident and active member of the school and wider community.
- To instill in your child a love of learning.
Principal’s Welcome

Sacred Heart Primary School Tocumwal as a Community of Learners, acknowledges that Christ is the foundation of the whole educational enterprise in a Catholic School.
Therefore we:
- Model gospel values when dealing with others;
- Promote, through our religious our Religious Education programme, a knowledge and understanding of Catholic teachings and a celebration of the sacraments;
- Foster an environment which encourages Christian attitudes and behaviours towards others;
- Demonstrates care and support for all members of our learning community;
- Participate in regular liturgies and celebrations of prayer.
Therefore we:
- Regularly participate in professional development, either formally or informally;
- Use staff meetings for professional dialogue and development;
- Incorporate ideas into the newsletter that affirm and/or challenge parents as they support their children.
- Provide regular recognition of parental efforts;
- Provide opportunities and encourage parents to be involved in our learning community;
- Provide opportunities for members of our learning community to participate in a broad range of activities at different venues;
- Meet regularly to exchange information about their child.
Therefore we:
- Provide quality education through spiritual, academic, emotional, physical and social programmes that stimulate, challenge and support our children;
- Promote opportunities that develop leadership, responsibility, acceptance, tolerance, confidence, cooperation, flexibility and self-esteem;
- Recognise the talents of all members of our learning community;
- Have a Pastoral Care Policy which encourages Christian attitudes and behaviour towards others;
- Utilises the seven Key Learning Areas (Religion, English, Maths, Human Society and its Environment, Science and Technology, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, and Creative and Practical Arts) to extend, challenge and support all children.